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Raymond James Chief Investment Strategist, Jeff Saut, expects the market to break out to fresh new highs. See his brief CNBC interview here.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management has created a slide that reminds investors of downside market risk in any given year. "This chart shows the S&P 500 intra-year declines vs. calendar year returns. Despite average intra-year drops of 13.9%, annual returns positive in 29 of 39 years." Just turn this chart upside down and you can easily visualize the downside risk each year provided. Check out this chart here.

The Second Quarter 2019 J.P. Morgan Guide to the Markets is now available. This is a comprehensive look into our markets and economy. that is worth your time. J.P. Morgan also produces a weekly recap each Monday. I link to this each week under Recommended Reading.

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