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Riskalyze by Nitrogen Wealth
Capture your risk tolerance and see if your portfolio fits you!


Nitrogen 101: What is the Risk Number?

The Risk Number® is an objective, quantitative measurement of an investor's true risk tolerance and the risk in a portfolio. This patented technology calculates a "risk score" on a scale from 1-99, utilizing a scientific framework that won the Nobel Prize for Economics. This Risk Number is shaped like a speed limit sigh, so a higher Risk Number means a higher level of risk and potential return.


Capture Your Risk Score

The first step is to take a brief quiz that covers topics such as portfolio size, top financial goals, and what you’re

willing to risk for potential gains. Then we’ll establish your Risk Number to help guide our decision-making



Review Your Current Investments

It turns out that most people have more risk in their portfolios than they previously realized. Nitrogen Wealth

empowers us to ensure your portfolio's Risk Number aligns with your investment portfolio.


Align Your Portfolio

After pinpointing your Risk Number, we’ll craft a portfolio that aligns with your priorities, allowing you to feel comfortable with your expected outcomes. The resulting portfolio will include projections for the potential gains and losses we should expect over time.

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